Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sometimes You Just Have to Make Things Happen

Sometimes in life you just have to make things happen for yourself. Sitting back waiting for life to give you things doesn't always work. In fact, I would venture to say it rarely works!

I am being as proactive as I can with my professional life. I got a leg up with the interviews I am doing, but after the first one it was all on me! And now I am having my 3rd interview today. They called me only hours after my panel interview (stage 2) to set this up! That has to be a good sign! After today, if it goes well, there is one more interview I have to do. I hope I get this. I am really trying!

Also, I made my Etsy page. I've only sold a couple of things so far, but my views go up every week, so I keep it positive and know it's only a matter of time before someone else wants something I have created.

Then just today, I submitted my work to an art showcase coming up in Portland. I answered an ad on craigslist about it a few weeks ago, and I got an email back encouraging me to officially submit because she "really digs my photography!" I hope I get picked because this would be my first showcase :)

I am really trying to kick things in to gear for myself. And not just for myself. I have more motivation now. My boyfriend and I want to start our life together and I know that if I can make things happen professionally it just brings us one step closer. He and I want so badly to live together- we have plans for our future and moving in the first step. ;) So now I am not just working for myself- I am working for us. For our relationship. And I work at it every day to make sure it's all that it needs to be. But what's great, is that it doesn't require much effort at all!

Anyway, the message I am sending here is this: Even though things are slow going right now, and it's easy to get discouraged, I just continue to pick myself up and keep pushing. I have the motivation, and the passion. And I know that if I keep on this path, the universe will provide. Things happen for people who try for it. Who deserve it. And man, do I ever.

With love.

1 comment:

  1. "It can make you move mountains, or not an inch
    Yeah love can do that" -lyric from one of my new favorites by Darius Rucker!
    Good job taking charge of your life and profession! Fingers crossed that your interview goes well!
