Friday, September 10, 2010

Something ends, something begins

Another day passes and things are in rotation. Constantly moving and changing, growing and altering. It is a scary thought to think how something that is here now is so easily removed. I broke up with my boyfriend last night. And I really will miss him. He was a wonderful boyfriend and is a great person, and will continue to be one of my closest friends.

Meanwhile, I am starting a new chapter in my life. With my promotion, among other things. I feel like this could be a turning point for me. One of those many imfamous moments I will look back on and say "that is where it all changed." Atleast, I like to think that is how it will go.

I was never a morning person. But when I woke up this morning an hour and a half ealier than I would on any normal day, and saw the text I saw, I was wide awake, alert, and happy as can be. Will this feeling last? Who knows. But I sure as hell am going to ride it out as long as I possibly can.

I am excited for the weather to be changing. The air is become crisper each morning. I wait all year to see the couple of weeks of reds, oranges, and yellows. This year I will be taking a hike and someone very special will be accompanying me. This is something I look forward to in a way that most probably wouldnt understand.

Music is a way of breathing to me. Its a way to let my hopes soar and helps me feel low when I need it. But the thing you have to remember is, "feel low, now let it go." It's okay to feel sad. You just can't hold on to that feeling or it will haunt you and take over your sunshine.

I am hoping to get my own place soon, if I can afford it. I think it's something I really need to do. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

1 comment:

  1. i'm super excited for fall to come too :) :) that means pumpkin patch with alex and i! haha anyways if the breakup hits harder than you thought it would just give me a call, i'm only a mile away lol. i'm happy that you're happy and for your upcoming hike (well kind of upcoming haha). anyways i love you corina nichole!!

