Honestly it amazes me. The human brain can do so many things; wonderful things even. They keep us alive and moving and breathing and processing. So why is it so many people choose to use it to their own demise? Why, for example, would a person convince themselves of things just to make coping easier? Defense mechanisms sure... but really. Lying to yourself is just... well... if you don't tell yourself the truth how can you ever expect anyone else to? Ever trust anyone else to?
On a similar note, when did every man on the planet suddenly become psychic? I mean really. It's just silly. Next thing you know they'll all be pouring over what they think is going to happen or want to believe did happen, instead of.... I don't know... living.
I never claimed to be perfect. But I did always tell the truth. You got yourself into this mess on your own and I will not help you to feel better about it, nor will I let you make me feel poorly because of it. I wont take back anything that's been said, or forget and block out any memories that are left. Because there's no need. Things were good. Great even. Just not what I needed. And do I need to be punished for that? I really really don't think so.
I have a life worth living. A great little man named Alex and my best friend and sister Brittany who both get me through each day with atleast a hint of happiness. I have a wonderful family and people who care about me. I work hard at my job which is more than most people can say and truely mean. So pardon me for trying to look on the bright side, but jealousy of someone else's happiness will not bring you your own.
Who knows what time will bring? Probably encounters with more psychic men who think they know everything (but don't). But also probably encounters with some really amazing ones. Definately laughter with friends and new memories that I will cherish. So why should I be down? Why are you trying to force me down?
Because buddy, I am high on life right now.
Stop trying to harsh my mellow.
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