Tuesday, January 11, 2011

DIY project

So the first DIY project I think I am going to attempt will be either fabric covered frames to match the decor that will be in the apartment, or a slide lamp. (Lamp shade made from photographic slides.) I have some cool slides from a classic car junk-yard and I think I may have some that were taken by my dad a looonnnngggg time ago. I think these would be really cool to use, but I first have to find out if I can copy them somehow into a new set of slides so that I can still print from them. Although I COULD see if someplace like Walgreen's can make a cd from them...
Here's a pic to show an example of what I am going to attempt.

I got the idea from www.readymade.com, which has a ton of projects I want to try. I am going to try and put a different spin on it thought, but I haven't quite decided what that should be yet. As soon as I get started I'll keep you guys posted!

ALSO: Any suggestions on what the theme should be if I choose to not use my car slides, let me know! I am considering the following: Car junk yard, my lawn gnome in various places, motel signs, pics of my antique cameras/equipment, stuff from my Hawaii vacation in April (I could always make 2 so that I can do this one PLUS another one,) or obscure architecture pictures that are a little abstract. If you have a vote, let me know, or if you have another idea, fill me in!


  1. I also have a TON of pics from that dahlia festival that i could use- all bright colors

  2. (I would just have to have them transferred to slides)

  3. ,,,, or I suppose I could just go take all new pics with slides.

  4. i vote the dahlia fest but thats because ive seen them all and know how gorgeous the colors turned out that day and the awesome shots we got of the bee's. also, jordan's scanner can scan slides, fyi. maybe ask if you can arrange to meet up some afternoon/day/evening/etc and scan them in, or have him do it. :) i LOVE this idea!!!!! i would do this for alex's room, except he'd end up looking at them all the time lol
