Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gone But Never Forgotten

Everyone leaves a footprint on other human beings. At some point in our lives, multiple points in our lives, we impact some one's life permanently. That random meeting of a person that forever alters the direction your life will go; the people you meet, the job you have, the way you spend your free time, and therefore, who you grow into in that moment. Every smile you give a stranger, every eye-contact you give an acquaintance, and every word that you send a friend will alter who they are. Regardless of how small the impact, believe me, it's there.

She may not have been a huge part of my life. But as the 6th anniversary of my God Sister's death quickly approaches, I am reminded of how much the little interaction we had impacted me. She truly did effect me. This little note is just to solidify to myself that she is still in my thoughts. She took herself out of this world, but in my heart she will live on vicariously through my experiences. I think that even though I have some serious work to do on my life, she would be rather proud of the woman I am slowly becoming.

Take this into consideration. The next time you have the opportunity to hold open a door for someone, or smile at a stranger looking your direction, take it. Talk to your loved ones. Express how you feel. Because you will impact their existence in such a way that I cannot even describe to you. On a similar note, when a serendipitous encounter occurs, take hold of the reigns and ride it out! Trust me when I tell you: it will pay off.

Just ask my boyfriend.

With love,

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