Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fitness is a Fit-Mess

So, as you should know by now, my Hawaii vacation is quickly approaching. I recently have been going through some woe-is-me moments as life as been throwing some curve-balls my way. Long story short, I have been comfort eating like crazy. That, combined with my reasonably sedentary lifestyle has meant my putting on a little weight. Now wait, I understand- I am not fat. I have no illusions of my body weight. But, 10 pounds on a small package shows. It made my clothes uncomfortable, and my self esteem took a serious hit.

I have decided to begin working out.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have said I was going to do this about eleventy-billion times over. But this time, I mean it.

Sure sure sure, "if you want to lose weight for Hawaii you should have started months ago." But here's the thing- I am kicking my own butt! I haven't had midnight snacks in a couple of days, and only 2 meals a day (plus a small meal around lunchtime,) and a couple bottles of water daily. (Which is a huge improvement over my couple bottles a month.) Plus, I am working out every day with a couple of DVDs I bought.

Also just to note- I figure that even if I don't lose any weight or tone anything up, I will feel better about myself by the time I am there, and I will be in better shape for all the swimming and hiking and surfing I'll be doing! :)

This is day 2.

Yesterday, day 1 was a bit of a disappointment. The DVD I bought is amazing. So amazing that I can't get through it. It's circuit training by Jillian Michaels. And whoa, I knew I was out of shape- but this video made me realize HOW out of shape I am. Let's just say my body was shaking and I physically could not continue the video.

So today, day 2: Leslie Sansone's 3 Fast Miles. Also amazing. But I decided not to kill myself. I participated for one mile. It made me feel really good! My sore muscles from yesterday loosened up and I got some much needed oxygen.

I intend on alternating DVD's every day. Tomorrow will be back to the first DVD (wish me luck!) and then the next day I am going to walk 2 miles. By the weekend I hope to do all 3!

The final odd day of the "week" will be a yoga/pilates DVD to stretch my muscles after my difficult week of torturing myself!

Okay, I am going to go eat a healthy meal (small baked potato with minimal amounts of spread, and grilled chicken breast :) )

With love!


  1. Go girl! I don't know if you tan (or spray tan!) but a little glow ALWAYS makes me feel better, too! It might be good to get a base tan before your trip anyway.
    And I'm sure you know, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, it definitely gets your metabolism going. Also, bananas, carrots and almonds are great snacks when you feel munchy. And strawberries with honey!
    Good luck and btw of course I think you have a cute figure, but I admire anyone who wants to get fit and stay healthy!

  2. Thanks, Rox! :) I've been considering getting a little bit of a tan for the trip but I don't know where to go that's inexpensive.... I've NEVER been before!
    The strawberries and honey sound delish! I like eating celery with low-fat ranch during the spring (I don't know why I feel like it's a sunny weather food.) I'll have to expand and start eating it sooner!
